Add Tax Exemptions

Depending on whether the customer is exempt from all taxes or an individual tax, will determine the setup.

  1. For a customer to be exempt from all taxes:
    1. Bring up an Account.
    2. On the General tab under Taxes/Fees, choose No for Taxable.
    3. Enter Tax Exempt ID provided by the customer.
    4. Click Files tab and click Add Files.
    5. Click Choose Files to select the tax exempt certificate provided by the customer and click Open.
    6. Click Upload Files to save a copy of the certificate with the Account.
  2. For a customer to be exempt from a single tax:
    1. Bring up an Account.
    2. Click Tax Exemptions tab and click Add Tax Exemption.
    3. Choose the Tax Group.
    4. Choose the Charge Type and Reason.
    5. Click the checkbox for each Tax Item that should be exempt and click Save.