CDR Billing Reports Overview

CDR Keys Not Associated shows Keys that have not been loaded into BillMax but are not associated with a particular package/service for billing purposes. After the key has been added to the appropriate package/service, then the menu option Associate CDRs will make the association.

CDR Listing lists all CDRs that are uploaded but are not associated with a package/service. The Bill To Service column will show the information that needs to be added to a D01 field on a package/service. From this report, the CDRs can be deleted or re-rated for the CDRs that are not yet billed.

CDR Billing Usage shows the detailed billing lines for CDRs for a particular package/service, invoice, billing statement, or transaction.

Future CDR Billings lists the CDRs that are outstanding for a particular account.

CDR Files lists the CDR files that have been uploaded into BillMax. The files can be deleted and reloaded as keys are added to packages/services.

FCC 499A is a report to provide the lines necessary to complete the required government report on a yearly basis. For full details, choose Show Detail. The detail can include CDRs or just the financial data from each account with VOIP services.

FCC 499Q is a report to provide the lines necessary to complete the required government report on a quarterly basis.