Reprint Documents from BillMax

There are 3 options depending on circumstances to reprint documents from BillMax.

  1. Choose Correspondence > Combine PDFs if you want to print all documents from a time period.
    1. Select Virtual Company.
    2. Enter the Start Date and End Date.
    3. Choose Download PDF and the file will be downloaded to your machine for local printing.
  2. Choose Correspondence > PDF Print Files if you want to print created PDF files from a day within the last week. Generally used to print any batch files.
    1. Click Get on the date/time desired and the file will be downloaded to your machine for local printing.
  3. Choose Correspondence > Requeue Batch Documents if you want to limit the documents to a particular delivery method or date.
    1. Choose Refine Search and add filters. Click Apply. Example below:
    2. Review the results and make adjustment if needed.
    3. Choose Requeue Documents for Delivery. The documents will print tonight.
    4. To print the documents immediately, choose System Administration > Batch Processing.
    5. Click the number for the "nightly" batch job.
    6. Click the number for "Send Billing Documents".
    7. Click Run Process and the documents will be printed.