Ticket Creation

When Tickets are created from a TowerCoverage EUS submission, the following happens:
  • Phone, Email, Contact Method, Contact Time come from TowerCoverage data.
  • If link analysis data is available and the signal meets or exceeds the TowerCoverage List entry SignalThreshold:
    1. The Queue is set to the TowerCoverage List entry Queue if it exists and is not zero. Otherwise it is set to the Queue numbered "1". If the Queue specified does not exist, it is an error.
    2. The Issue is set to the TowerCoverage List entry Issue if it exists and is not zero. Otherwise it is not set. If the Issue is specified in the List, it must be an Issue from the Queue otherwise it is an error.
  • If link analysis data is not available or the signal does not meet or exceeds the TowerCoverage List entry SignalThreshold:
    1. The Queue is set to the TowerCoverage List entry QueueNoCoverage if it exists and is not zero. Otherwise the List entry Queue is used.
    2. The Issue is set to the TowerCoverage List entry IssueNoCoverage if it exists and is not zero. Otherwise List entry Issue is used.
  • If fiber is available:
    1. The Queue is set to the TowerCoverage List entry QueueFiber if it exists and is not zero. Otherwise the List entry Queue is used.
    2. The Issue is set to the TowerCoverage List entry IssueFiber if it exists and is not zero. Otherwise List entry Issue is used.
  • Additional data may be captured. If it is, it will be stored as a Ticket Note. This is the same data as the User Location Description.
  • If SLAs are in effect (see Service Level Agreements (SLAs)), SLA related fields will be populated.