Reporting USF Revenue

BillMax supports reporting USF revenue using the following categorizations:

  1. Type of service based on technology. Examples are:
    1. Interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Service.
    2. Wired or Wireless Local Exchange Telephone Service.
  2. State in which billing occurred.
  3. Interstate, intrastate, international billings. If no CDR data available, BillMax supports Safe Harbor or Traffic Studies, by state if necessary. If CDR data is available and is rated/billed, BillMax supports using Traffic Studies if needed on the recurring billing and current USF rates on the CDR billings.
  4. Taxable vs Taxable plus Nontaxable billings.
  5. Association with broadband or not in the case of VoIP.

Support is available for both the FCC 499Q and FCC 499A filings. Data for State USF may be derived from these reports and can be found in the Sales Tax report. In some cases separate reports may be available or created.