Upload CDR File

  1. Select Billing Administration > Upload CDR Data from the Top Menu.
  2. Upload the RAW CDR file
    1. Select the CDR Source.
    2. Click UPLOAD FILES.
    3. Click Choose Files and select one or more files.
    4. Click Upload Files.
      The raw CDR file is now on the BillMax server.
  3. Process the CDR file:
    1. Select the Source CDR File.
    2. Click PROCESS CDR File.
      The CDR file has been run the preprocessor and the results are ready to be loaded into the BillMax database.
  4. Load Processed CDR File:
    1. Select BillMax CDR File.
    2. Click LOAD CDRs.
      The CDRs are loaded into the BillMax cdr table and the CDRs are associated with Packages and Services. Run Reports > CDR Keys Not Associated to identify any CDRs that were unable to be matched.