Reopening an Account/User/Package/Service

Care should be given when re-Opening a BillMax Account, User, Package or Service (AUPS) as there are billing implications.

By default billing will not occur when an AUPS is not open. However, some users of BillMax want billing to continue while an AUPS is Suspended for being Overdue. This is specified on the Account Profile by Bill Suspended Overdue.

If an AUPS is Suspended and the Reason is Overdue, billing will continue if BillMax Suspended Overdue is Yes.

There are several ways to control the billing behavior when an AUPS is re-opened:

Note that when an AUPS is opened via the Staff Portal, a dialog is displayed to set the options:


Suspend During Billed Term/Reopen During Billed Term

  • Bill Suspended Overdue is No.
  • Customer billed from 1/1 - 1/31.
  • Next Billing Date is 2/1.
  • Payment due 1/15 or suspension occurs 1/16.
  • AUPS Suspended 1/16.
  • Customer makes Payment on 1/20.
  • AUPS opened on 1/20.

    If Sales Return When Opening is set to "Sales Return", Sales Returns from 1/16-1/19 will be issued.

    If Sales Return When Opening is set to "No Sales Return", no Sales Returns will be issued.

    No effect on Next Billing Date.

Suspend Day after Billed Term/Reopen Next Day

  • Bill Suspended Overdue is No.
  • Customer billed from 1/1 - 1/31.
  • Next Billing Date is 2/1.
  • Payment due 1/31 or suspension occurs 2/1.
  • AUPS Suspended 2/1.
  • Customer makes Payment on 2/2.
  • AUPS opened on 2/2.

    If Sales Return When Opening is set to "Sales Return", Sales Returns for 2/1 will be issued.

    If Sales Return When Opening is set to "No Sales Return", no Sales Returns will be issued.

    Next Billing Date set to 3/1.

Suspend During Billed Term/Reopen Shortly After Billed Term

Bill Suspended Overdue is Yes/Reopen After Billed Term in which Suspension Occurred

Suspend During Billed Term/No Sales Return/Reopen Months Later/Use Date to Resume Billing