Convert from CentOS 6.x® to CentOS 7.x®

This documentation is for customers still on CentOS. The latest releases of BillMax are on Debian and other sections of documentation should be referenced.

Converting from CentOS 6.x® to CentOS 7.x® is a manual process. It entails building a CentOS 7.x® machine and moving data from the old machine to the new machine.

  1. Install BillMax on a CentOS 7.x® 64 bit machine. See Install CentOS 7.x for BillMax. It needs to be the same version of BillMax as on the CentOS 6.x® machine Use the following information from the old machine on the new machine:
    1. system username - typically billmax.
    2. software repository username/password - typically billmax/billmax.
    3. the same root password for the MariaDB® database as for the MySQL® database.
  2. When running the BxConfigure.cgi process, use the following information from the old machine on the new machine unless otherwise noted:
    1. username/password for the BillMax database.
    2. The Admin password need only pass the requirements. It will be overwritten.
    3. The AES key will be overwritten.
  3. After requesting and entering a new license, make sure you keep a copy. The license will be overwritten and need to be re-entered later.
  4. Important: From the second '/usr/local/billmax below through uploadedfiles)' there are no spaces or carriage returns.
    As root and in the /root directory, run the following command: diff -r /usr/local/billmax /opt/billmax/software | grep -v -E '\.svn$|\.o$|\.d$' | grep -v -E '/usr/local/billmax/(documents|efp|logs|tmp|uploadedfiles|cdrfiles|backups|prepaidcards|snapshots|importtools|uploadedfiles)' > upgradedifferences.dat
  5. Examine the results in upgradedifferences.dat. Any pertinent changes will have to be done on the new server.
  6. Shut down httpd and mysqld on both servers.
    1. /sbin/service mysqld stop on the old server.
    2. /sbin/service httpd stop on the old server.
    3. systemctl stop mariadb on the new server.
    4. systemctl stop httpd on the new server.
  7. Copy the files from the billmax and billmax_reports database on the old servers to the billmax and billmax_reports databases on the new server. Make sure you maintain ownership and permissions.
  8. Execute systemctl start mariadb on the new server.
  9. Execute mysql_upgrade -u root -p on the new server.
  10. Redo any local customizations that were noted in upgradeddifferences.dat.
  11. Copy contents of the following directories located in /usr/local/billmax on the old server to the comparable locations on the server. Do not copy the ./svn subdirectories, Make sure you maintain ownership and permissions.
    • cdrfiles
    • documents
    • efp
    • logs
    • prepaidcards
    • uploadedfiles
  12. A backup at this point is recommended.
  13. Execute systemctl start httpd on the new server.
  14. If the new server has a new name or IP address and these are significant to the customer portal configuration, remember to update the customer portal files and clear the PHP cache.
  15. Copy .fetchmailrec from BillMax system user to the new machine BillMax home directory.
  16. To reset the crontab entries on the new server, go to System Administration > Batch Processing. Change the nightly batch process from ACTIVE to DISABLE and SAVE. Set the nightly batch process back to ACTIVE.