How Billmax Solves Key VoIP Billing Challenges

Billmax empowers VoIP Providers with advanced features designed to streamline tracking and billing of your CDRs.


BillMax supports billing for VOIP/Telecommunication services that range from very simple billing practices to complex scenarios. Examples of simple to complex are:

  1. Billing one price the service, usage included.
  2. Billing one price the service with additional billing for usage.
  3. Billing for both outgoing and incoming calls.
  4. Billing for specialty numbers such as incoming Toll-Free numbers and premium
    (900, 976) numbers.
  5. Billing for combined usage from multiple lines for corporate and family plans.

CDR Sources

CDRs may come from the following sources. New Sources can be easily added by contacting

  1. Asterisk
  2. PBXware
  3. NetSapiensAdvanced
  4. Frontier
  5. EMI_Voyant
  6. VOXO

CDR Billing Plan

A CDR Billing plan contains the information necessary to bill using data from CDRs to rate Long Distance calls, sum Plan Minutes, bill for N11 calls, etc. A plan is attached to a Package or Service definition. Create one or many CDR Billing plans to accommodate the billing needed.

Internal Tax Engine/Avalara

BillMax allows you to choose how taxes are maintained and calculated. One option is the BillMax internal engine to enter the necessary Tax Regions and Tax Items. BillMax also supports managing Universal Service Fund (USF) assessments, both the Federal and State portions. This includes support for reporting to the managing entities such as the Universal Service Administrative Co. (USAC) and passing assessments through to the end customer. Tax on tax is also supported. Taxes are based on the Service location of the customer and the type of product.

If your company provides service to many tax regions or filing help is desired, use our third party integration with Avalara. Update each Package/Service Definition with a transaction pair that tells Avalara what you are providing to the end customer. As the transactions are created, BillMax will send them to Avalara and receive the taxes and fees back. They are automatically shown on the bill at a detailed or category level depending on your setup.

FCC 499

Generate the needed lines from BillMax for the yearly and quarterly reports. Full details can include CDRs or just financial data for each Account with VoIP services.

CDR Reports

  1. CDR Keys Not Associated shows Keys that have been loaded into BillMax but are not associated with a particular package/service for billing purposes. After the key has been added to the appropriate package/service, then the menu option “Associate CDRs” will make the association.
  2. CDR Listing lists all CDRs that are uploaded but are not associated with a package/service. The “Bill To Service” column will show the information that needs to be added to a D01 field on a Package/Service. From this report, the CDRs can be deleted or re-rated for the CDRs that are not yet billed.
  3. CDR Billing Usage shows the detailed billing lines for CDRs for a particular package/service, invoice, billing statement, or transaction.
  4. Future CDR Billings lists the CDRs that are outstanding for a particular account.
  5. CDR Files lists the CDR files that have been uploaded into BillMax. The files can be deleted and reloaded as keys are added to packages/services.